Safezone Global
Our Mission Statement:
To provide the new benchmark in pathogen defence systems for professional use.
In recent times there has been growing awareness shown towards taking precautions of dangerous pathogens. Governments are establishing new regulations and introducing stringent procedures to prevent global pandemics. This has gives Safezone an enormous opportunity to step into this market with a technology that is well proven and at the same time a smart and functional product. Today most customers uses chemicals to clean / kill pathogens which is time consuming, costly, less effective and has both environmental and health impacts.
Safezone Global is dedicated to produce the benchmark in quality products that are efficient and reliable. Manufactured and produced in Norway at an affordable price point. Ozone & UVC has been used as a method to eliminate pathogens for decades, we have simply added this technology into a product that operates in a clever patented way.
The Tile - suitable for all markets including:
Hospitals & Clinics
Retail & Supermarkets
Schools & Education